The Arid West | Ranching Documentary

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • The Arid West explores the challenges ranchers face such as drought and wildfire, as well as how government regulations impact their operations.

Комментарии • 151

  • @GoldenProductions_
    @GoldenProductions_  6 лет назад +14

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    • @glennfrancosimmons
      @glennfrancosimmons 5 лет назад +3

      Will give you my support. Ranching is vital and a part of Americana that must not be lost. It is very sad that it is not better-appreciated. I say this as a person who loves the outdoors, esp. hiking and photography. A balance must be struck.

    • @hewittg.malone5973
      @hewittg.malone5973 3 года назад +1

      From what I have seen, Our Ranchers and Farmers have sold out to the like of TRUMP: This group means you no good.
      Have anyone in the group tried forming a working group that reaches out to the citizens of the other states? This is
      the first time I have heard of this problem in Pennsylvania. What comes to mind for me "first", is "How do we scale back to
      wait out the foolishness that is presented"? Second - How do we get water and feed for the cattle for the long run.

    • @brettcinder258
      @brettcinder258 6 месяцев назад

      Sounds like you're a complete ignorant person to begin with thank you. And the fact that Donald Trump is the only person that will help the ranchers. And you will see that very shortly. ​@@hewittg.malone5973

  • @WyomingRancher-f7h
    @WyomingRancher-f7h 6 лет назад +14

    I hope more people watch this.

  • @dayneh5734
    @dayneh5734 3 года назад +8

    Just makes me mad as a rancher that this is the bs my fellow people have to go through. I know it's dry here in Wyoming but being told to shut down your life is just aggravating for me just the watch. Hope the Blm gets their shit together.

  • @gradypalmer8764
    @gradypalmer8764 4 года назад +31

    Decent people don't stand a chance against a corrupt government.

    • @sheepdawg6946
      @sheepdawg6946 4 года назад +4

      Absolutely. This election proves that.

    • @rolfheubel2814
      @rolfheubel2814 3 года назад

      Driest state in the nation.
      In a drought and global warming.
      CA UT AZ NM WY all are hurting for water.

    • @rolfheubel2814
      @rolfheubel2814 3 года назад +1

      @@sheepdawg6946 call your two Senators. Or call Joe Manchin..

  • @rickboer7715
    @rickboer7715 2 года назад +4

    Farmers need and have a right to water yet rich people with massive swimng pools and lush lawns don't get blamed like farmers do

  • @brucesorensen3224
    @brucesorensen3224 6 лет назад +20

    After watching about 10 minutes of this there is no question as to why we as taxpayers citizens, are sick and tired of the local,county,state and Federal Government they are out of control and need to be disbanded, it is all about us being subservient to them, even when I drive my own truck they track my every move with an electronic logging device, I have had a gutful.
    We as ranchers and farmers are the true Conservatives and care for the land.
    It was not the government that has made this land great it is the people that keep it fed and Industry moving

    • @hairymanonetwo
      @hairymanonetwo 5 лет назад +7

      These lands are not being cared forby the rancher when the lands are over grazed !

    • @robertmoore1123
      @robertmoore1123 5 лет назад +2

      A lot of them do overstock the ranges to make up money . But if you over grave the lands it takes a long time to recover out there with such low water every year .

    • @chucktaylor4958
      @chucktaylor4958 Год назад

      Rancher are not conservationists. I am sure they claim to be conservatives and do not want any oversight in their use of BLM land. It seems that ranchers prefer free ranging cattle rather than managed herds.

  • @arthurraygross4983
    @arthurraygross4983 2 года назад +2

    It's unfair to Ranchers who do NOT get Government Subsidized Grazing. Why should some Ranchers graze at 10-25% of fair market value of Private Land Grazing.
    Essentially this is a Subsidy to people with millions in Assets.

  • @cwcobo
    @cwcobo 3 года назад +4

    Bring as much control over public lands back to the local level (state and county) as possible.

  • @birchjtaylor6877
    @birchjtaylor6877 2 года назад +5

    Doesn't seem to bother the BLM when the mustangs eat and stomp land to the point of no return. But if those horses were owned by ranchers it would obviously be a different story

  • @adriantschetter7083
    @adriantschetter7083 2 года назад +1

    This is F'ing crazy! I hope God helps you prevale against those demons! Fortunately we don't have that problem yet up here in Canada

  • @ncubentobeko7927
    @ncubentobeko7927 Год назад +3

    I used to think that corrupt gorvnement is an African disease seems brothers from USA are facing the same thing

  • @Mapdotnowhere
    @Mapdotnowhere 4 года назад +8

    I’ve always wondered how these ranchers came to depend on BLM land to begin with. It’s valid to question whether or not you should be in business to begin with if you can not accommodate the needs of that business yourself. I’m not saying you should not. I just don’t know the history.

    • @thecollectoronthecorner7061
      @thecollectoronthecorner7061 4 года назад +3

      I agree with you. Im a cattle farmer in Arkansas . and I graze on private property.

    • @alanmiller4122
      @alanmiller4122 4 года назад +7

      Range lands need to be grazed, doesnt matter if its public or private, we dont have the large ruminants migrating across the continent anymore, cattle are necessary.

    • @hewittg.malone5973
      @hewittg.malone5973 3 года назад +2

      @@alanmiller4122 The problem lay not with who or what graze; The problem is BLM policies. If you are permitting them to put you
      in a squeez, you are in a bad spot and it will get worse. Looking for Ideas as to how to feed and water cattle with limited ground.

    • @bojack2011
      @bojack2011 2 года назад


    • @donsea-z3s
      @donsea-z3s Год назад

      excellent point

  • @jerrylansbury9558
    @jerrylansbury9558 4 года назад +4

    Cheat grass became established because of over grazing in the first place ! If there is a ground cover and no over grazing there would be not cheat grass

    • @elevationtransport3753
      @elevationtransport3753 4 года назад +3

      There is a learning curve to all things. It’s important to learn from mistakes and move foreword in a fair and productive manner. This is important for all of society and even applies to our personal lives. Have you lived a life free of errors? Has civilization progressed without error? Unfortunately we have to screw it up to experience the full weight of consequence. The federal government on a jihad against citizens is not the answer. How much radical authoritarianism and junk science will take before there is nothing left? Soon the zealots will be at your door also ready to accuse, oppress, and devour.

  • @richcountyratrodsjrod2329
    @richcountyratrodsjrod2329 4 года назад

    January 10th 2021. Utah. No SNow. Scary.

  • @pontiacsuperchief9532
    @pontiacsuperchief9532 2 года назад +1

    It is very clear to me Jon Sherve has never ran cattle in a coral let alone rangeland.

    • @johnfarley6463
      @johnfarley6463 10 месяцев назад

      Watching how this guy talks without emotion and with complete scrutiny of every word before it leaves his lips makes him look like a untrustworthy liar IMO

  • @dylantyt6654
    @dylantyt6654 3 года назад +2

    I'm with you guys. Next time there's a gun fight I'll be there

  • @danmiller4774
    @danmiller4774 Год назад

    God bless those ranchers. You won't find a better person.

  • @twalsh29
    @twalsh29 2 года назад +1

    Government… foouh! It’s a complicated situation, and complicated situations require thoughtful and daring people and solutions. The government is bad at being thoughtful and daring only for itself.

    • @donsea-z3s
      @donsea-z3s Год назад

      its not complicated at all . its called no rain !

  • @issaccook2065
    @issaccook2065 3 года назад +2

    Remember Bundy ranch

  • @johnunderwood3132
    @johnunderwood3132 4 года назад +5

    Let a rancher be in charge. They are the ones that understand the land the best. That’s my uneducated guess.

    • @jerrylansbury9558
      @jerrylansbury9558 4 года назад +2

      The rancher will take everything that they can get ! No regards for anything. Its clear in the video. No real pastures...just dust.

  • @dmack9884
    @dmack9884 4 года назад +1

    This is outright B S . This is another reason when a politian says I will help you , you need to run. I had no idea this was going on.

  • @thecollectoronthecorner7061
    @thecollectoronthecorner7061 4 года назад +5

    There is a way to not have to deal with the BLM. You buy your own land. Im in Arkansas and There are thousands of cattle marketed every week in the Ozarks Region. And all those cattle are raised on private land. And those farmers make a living. Those grazing leases should be put up for auction to be sold to the best bidder. Arkansas does have goverment timber lands and that timber is sold at auction. Just because your family has used the public range for decades or a century its still not your private property. The native americans found out it wasnt theirs the hard way. If i had my way those wild horses would all be rounded up and sold for dog food. and all the Ranchers booted off of the public lands. It does not belong to you. It is as much mine as it is yours.

    • @jerrylansbury9558
      @jerrylansbury9558 4 года назад +1

      I agree 100 % !! Get rid of the horses......they never belonged there in the first place. The local people can do that quietly. But.......they rather complain ! I cant graze the local park areas here...they belong to the public also. The public areas should never be touch...grazed " period " Had wild fires for years.....its very natural ! Its mother natures way of controlling invasive weeds / trees.

    • @bojack2011
      @bojack2011 2 года назад


  • @PeeWeeHenson
    @PeeWeeHenson 5 месяцев назад


  • @daciefusjones8128
    @daciefusjones8128 5 лет назад +5

    And I thought all ranchers understood what the term dry year means. It means "time to sell some cows"I don't have anything to feed em.

    • @thecollectoronthecorner7061
      @thecollectoronthecorner7061 4 года назад +1

      @Jacob Marshall When I first started in the cattle buisness. A old timer told me. He said Randy figure out how many head your place will carry and put half as many on it and you will be just about right. Overgrazing is a great sin. We rotate grazing with electric fences. grass grazed short has short roots and doesnt rebound and its a cycle yhat yields less and less forage. Those Ranchers need to watch some of Joel Saladins Videos.

      @TheCOWBOYRANCHER Год назад

      So get rid of all your cows? That’s what you are telling those ranchers. Nevada has been dry for years. Decades ago there were more cattle and the same amount of land. The problem here is BLM.

  • @jerrylansbury9558
    @jerrylansbury9558 4 года назад +3

    Please at 26:11 if you dont know where your cattle or the cattle shouldnt be there in the first place !

  • @acerhillfarm4245
    @acerhillfarm4245 5 лет назад +3

    Why in the hell do they not implement rotational/management intensive grazing out west? Continuous grazing is a horrible way to treat grasslands.

  • @jerrylansbury9558
    @jerrylansbury9558 4 года назад +2

    I feel the ranchers should be thankful they " had " use of the public lands ! Same as myself....only I " pay " to rent a grass land. Im thankful if I can keep those land each year....and continue to farm. This guy talking seems to think its a requirement for him to have the lands !

    • @drak1559
      @drak1559 4 года назад +3

      keep licking that boot fucking hell. "Thankful", dumbass theyre providing one of the most essential services to the country and the governemnt is fucking them

    • @jerrylansbury9558
      @jerrylansbury9558 4 года назад +1

      @@drak1559 Every one provides something essential. At the same time ...most people dont expect to get things free to provide it !

    • @thecollectoronthecorner7061
      @thecollectoronthecorner7061 4 года назад

      @@drak1559 There would still be plenty of beef produced if not a single acre of goverment rangeland was grazed. What is done is beef is sold by the pound. Those range cattle still mostly go into a feedlot. So instead of slaughtering at 1000 pounds they feed to 1100 pounds. thats a 10% increase right there. Grass fed beef is bland and tough. We ate it when I was a child. ground it into Hamburger. Mother would cook it in a skillet full of lard so it had flavor. now we fed our milk cow sweet grain and wheat shorts when we milked her. And the calf got one hind quarter. and ate that sweet grain also, When we butchered that 400 pound calf in the fall before it was weaned. Now that was tasty and tender Beef. No lard needed.

    • @bojack2011
      @bojack2011 2 года назад +1

      That's what i was thinking. It's not their land.

    • @WillSmith-gv1ok
      @WillSmith-gv1ok 3 месяца назад

      Your just a city slicker

  • @saucywench9122
    @saucywench9122 5 лет назад +4

    Yet another video whining about water. Put back the native grazing animals and cull the horse more! Put back the trees and beaver where they are needed. Give the land back to the people? Not a single one of these people said anything about drought proofing their own land. I saw acres of naked hill tops and bare rocky soil. No one spoke about rehabbing anything. Smh. When the first mining companies came in and burned the trees they didn't know at the time they needed to replace what they cut down. The problem is not just the lack of grazing animals. No wonder your springs are drying up, there's not enough soil to slow down the water, start putting in swales with trees planted on them in the higher elevations. There aren't even any trees or reeds planted around the water sources to mitigate evaporation. This video is nothing but finger pointing, no one is working towards solutions or the necessary soil building. Heaven forbid someone should fix a mistake made by someone else 100 to 200 years ago.

  • @chucktaylor4958
    @chucktaylor4958 Год назад

    There are few ranchers, if that many, who are excellent land managers. Extended droughts are going to shut down ranching. It’s a matter of attrition. Literature on grass physiology is available for ranchers who do not trust the BLM.

  • @rasco81
    @rasco81 2 года назад

    I wish I could write what I really want to say about the BLM

  • @bojack2011
    @bojack2011 2 года назад

    If its federal lands you can't just do what you want on it. You have your own land. I can't just leave NY and go find a federal park and claim it as a ranch. I pay a lot of federal taxes. You don't have enough space... too bad.

    • @orotewilderness2913
      @orotewilderness2913 Год назад

      I don’t think you understand, because in the east grasslands grow constantly, out west, things need more time to recover. So you either own a giant amount of land that is very expensive, or you have public grazing so the cows can move about and be able to eat while the rest of the land can recover. Also most of Nevada is owned by the government, look up the stats it’s not all for sale bud

    • @bojack2011
      @bojack2011 Год назад

      @@orotewilderness2913 my point is the government doesn't have to sell anything. I also understand what you are saying but... the land still isn't yours to LET your cows graze anywhere on federal lands. Period.
      I don't care if the government owned all of Nevada. You wouldn't even be this entitled if you were still in Europe. Im Native Tribesmen and still don't think like that.

    • @orotewilderness2913
      @orotewilderness2913 Год назад

      @@bojack2011 I get what you are saying, but the land really isn't anyone's, we just say it is. Personally I think having public rangeland is better than each man sectioning it all off. Before cattle, there where bison and other fauna grazing evade, keeping thinks from overgrowth. Some places should be protected, but most of this government land has no water, no timber, nothing to protect and is only good for ranching and recreation. I think it is entitled for someone to own a land, but humans are territorial so we do this anyway.

    • @bojack2011
      @bojack2011 Год назад

      @@orotewilderness2913 it's a tricky situation but i do agree with this statement

  • @dougserjeant1731
    @dougserjeant1731 11 месяцев назад

    Why on good old earth are we listening to Kenite Tares, sons and daughters of Cain, that God Almighty said the earth will not reveal her Strength, KJV Genesis 4:9 thru 14. Now they rule over us? They have no husbandry skills at all, none! And you listen to them? Why are you not calling them out who they are?

  • @moussaouiahmed
    @moussaouiahmed 6 лет назад


  • @keithmartin9002
    @keithmartin9002 Год назад

    BLM needs go to Savoy school on grazing

  • @hairymanonetwo
    @hairymanonetwo 5 лет назад +4

    Im a cattle farmer. There is not reason for cattle farmers to graze public lands ! These farmers are not caring for the land......its called total neglect ! Any cattle farmer with a brain can see these lands have been over grazed. This opens the land up to invasive species and erosion ! Cattle need to be removed until the lands heal and recover ! As he says.. he blew his top.........unwilling to change totally !

    • @zachhenrichs8438
      @zachhenrichs8438 5 лет назад +6

      You don't even ranch bro... You sound like a City folk pretending to know what your talking about. This isn't a "farm" back east. These cattle "ranchers" are already running 60 acres per 1 cow for only a few months of the year.... while the BLM's poor management of wild horses (which are not a Native Species) run over-populated all year around. Besides, this desert land wouldn't look much better if there were zero animals grazing on it.

    • @hairymanonetwo
      @hairymanonetwo 5 лет назад +4

      @@zachhenrichs8438 Lets go with this scenario and reverse you suggested. Im a eastern farmer (plenty of rain ) ( Im not and eastern farmer ) Say I have one acre and run 60 cows on it . What should I expect for yield ....pasture?
      With that being said...what would you expect with one cow unit to 60 acres ? Trust me.....Im not dead to the world. I am a farmer and have been my entire life (Im 65 ). You call it ranching........and I call it farming. No real difference.
      So...why is it ranchers " expect " to be allow to graze public lands? Im not saying they should not be able to. Just a question that troubles the general public. ( I said the general public ).
      Wild horses.... so if they are an issue....and there are that many....who would notice a few missing over these vast acres / mile ?
      The horses are not the issue......and if with it ! There are ways !
      I feel your suggesting that even though there is not enough grass / water the answer is...continue as normal ?
      Id be embarrassed to even bring this out to the public !
      I was told I dont even understand why cattle are branded ......relating to ranching. Its only because ranchers dont know whos cattle are whos.....and if enough fighting among rancher the government must step in and require branding ! With the numbers of cattle stated in this rancher knows where or whos cattle are whos.
      Just because a rancher has done things for 3000 years...dont mean a farmer / rancher cant or should not change ideas or values. Sometimes its about " logic " !

    • @Mapdotnowhere
      @Mapdotnowhere 5 лет назад +2

      Irv Farmer there’s no reason for the government to own 80% of Nevada

    • @hairymanonetwo
      @hairymanonetwo 5 лет назад +1

      @@Mapdotnowhere So what would change if an investor or another person owned 80% of Nevada ? That gives a person ( rancher ) the right to just go in.....trample it ? Do as they wish ? Where I live....already people think all the land is theirs.. just come in and do as they wish. I think there is a thing called " respect " Abide by it !

    • @minsh5675
      @minsh5675 5 лет назад

      Zach Henrichs ya

  • @petesakes1985
    @petesakes1985 3 года назад


  • @donsea-z3s
    @donsea-z3s Год назад

    Some of these ranchers are so ignorante, its not even funny!

  • @Bow-j6c
    @Bow-j6c 2 года назад

    Can't get over how this BLM bloke on here is stumbling over his tongue about everything he says

  • @sandyarias3326
    @sandyarias3326 4 года назад

    :/ ce

  • @jerrylansbury9558
    @jerrylansbury9558 4 года назад +1

    I could never dream of grazing public lands..and expect it to be free !!! Then complain about prices or anything related to raising cattle

    • @ee.es00
      @ee.es00 3 года назад

      Didn't you watch? The cost of that permit is included in the price of the ranch.

    • @jerrylansbury9558
      @jerrylansbury9558 3 года назад

      @@ee.es00 There should be no permit ! Either own the land.....or lease it from another rancher. Leave the " public " Politics" out of it !

    • @ee.es00
      @ee.es00 3 года назад

      @@jerrylansbury9558 says who. They've been doing since since before the country started.

    • @jerrylansbury9558
      @jerrylansbury9558 3 года назад

      @@ee.es00 Just because someone has been doing something for years dont always make it good or right. If a person smokes 4 packs of cigs a day.....and has done if for 20 it right ?

  • @dennislarranaga1992
    @dennislarranaga1992 11 месяцев назад

    These BLM guy's 😢

  • @travissweat3564
    @travissweat3564 5 лет назад

    true enough the gov intrdosed paint horses

    • @dustymills703
      @dustymills703 4 года назад

      No they didn't 🤣 paints were part of when the ranchers managed the horse herds and they kicked paint studs out . With that said ranchers managed wild horses the best.

  • @robertmoore1123
    @robertmoore1123 5 лет назад

    Do these ranchers actually own ranchlands or just graze public and blm n forest lands

    • @minsh5675
      @minsh5675 5 лет назад +1


    • @jerrylansbury9558
      @jerrylansbury9558 4 года назад +1

      They have become dependent on the public lands ..... free feed... and then cry when the land is bare ! Or restrictions in place to control from turning the lands into dust.

    • @thecollectoronthecorner7061
      @thecollectoronthecorner7061 4 года назад +1

      @@jerrylansbury9558 Yes they are simply Pig headed and think the know it all. Dunning Kruger.

    • @thecollectoronthecorner7061
      @thecollectoronthecorner7061 4 года назад

      Usually the ranchers own deeded land thats the headquarters and possibly a few other parcels. they also are deeded the water rights. But the range land is public land. And the BLM has the final say so.

    • @jerrylansbury9558
      @jerrylansbury9558 4 года назад +1

      @@thecollectoronthecorner7061 Ranchers should never be allowed to graze public lands ! There fore there would be no need for the BLM and time wasted on it. Im not allowed to graze public lands / parks...nor should they ! Im a farmer.....I have to pay or rent my land to run cattle on that land !

  • @Bow-j6c
    @Bow-j6c 2 года назад

    What does the BLM get out of this . A job in a office.