- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
[스튜디오 춤 오리지널] 제이홉 '모나리자' | 언필터드 캠
j-hope(제이홉) 'MONA LISA'
• j-hope(제이홉) 'MONA LISA...
#jhope #제이홉 #SC_ORIGINAL
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하.. 요즘 느낌 좋은 남자 1위
I'm obsessed with this song so much that I've been playing it again since 6 in the morning and it's already 9
exactly keep streee4ming armyyy
@@citlaligalindo1032 I turned it to be my alarm too so I will atart the day feeling all hyped! 🤩
들을수록 중독되는 곡
멋있다!!!!! 제이홉
No matter how many times I see him dance i always get mesmerised EVERY SINGLE TIME
this song is so good
its so much fun to watch him dance
He moves with so much ease, it’s so satisfying to watch!
Hobi is so effortlessly cool and good at dancing, his groove and skills are top-level that's why MONA LISA is so fun to listen and watch
Letss goooo main dancer j-hope!!!
제이홉은 정말 완벽한 아티스트~♡
So true. He is one of a kind.
I STILL can't believe that I'm going to get to see this performed live in LA in 2 weeks!!! What is life, is this even real!!! See you soon Hobi!!!
omh enjoyy!!
Hope you have a great time!!
호석아 너무 귀엽고 예쁘다..콘서트와는 다른 느낌이야
I love this song! I stream everyday, Hobi deserves all the number ones. FIGHTING!!!
제이홉 와우
요정재형 보고 또 찾아봄 와우
Woohoo Mona Lisa is such a jam! Can't stop streaming
Something about this angle really shows just how good this choreo is. The verse choreo is so smart. It really brings out the lyrics and vibe of the song.
can never get enough of this
안무 진짜 너무 좋아!!!
노래들을수록 세련됨
So handsome and talented 💜
I'm obsessed with this song! Mona Lisa let's goooo
진짜... 솔직히 너무 잘한다...
스윗드림즈로 칠하게 가길래 이번엔 좀 빡세게 갈까? 싶기도 했는데 어랍쇼.. 너무 좋네..
Jhope's new song really did justice to it. Congratulations and good luck.🎉❤
봐도 봐도 질리지 않고 빠져드는 모나리자!
제이홉의 표정,몸짓 👍
218번은 더 봐야함😍
Hobi danced very well in this version, but just coming from the Mexico stage cam, wowwwww Hobi's performance really gets 100 times better with live audience! The smile and confidence and swag that she showed!! Jhope is really born to be on stage.
Jhope's dances, songs its made a different hit!!
His moves are SO precise, but he makes it look effortless at the same time. Amazing j-hope!
Keep streaming for jhope guys please, he deserves to reach a high spot on BB100 so let's work hard for him, fighting 💪🔥
I am sooo addicted to Jhope's dance moves ghaadddd
볼때마다 돌아버리겠음ㅠ 왜이렇게 잘하냐..
내 칭찬 따위에 담기엔 네 수준이 너무 높다 호바 🥹💜
He's totally in his element.
춤도어렵고 노래도 어렵지만 넘 매력적이고 섹시하고 황홀한 노래는 처음입니다!!
Jhope is an Icon!
호비오빠 ㅠㅠㅠ 너무 쎄씨하자나!!!!!!!! i like my hobi!!!!!
와 춤선 개깔끔하다 아이돌 중 원탑인듯
겁나 핫해 🥹🥹🥹🥹 춤선 미쳤다,,
Beem watching in youtube and listening in Spotify nonstop from 3 days ...its such a beautiful song ... jhope is a slayer 💜🔥
Love the song, love the outfit, love the dance, 🗣🗣🗣LOVE THE BOY!!! 💜
홉이 노래는 들을수록 기분 좋아져❣️
홉이는 춤을 잘추는건 두말하면 입아프고 모든 춤마다 그 느낌을 기가막히게 잘살려.찐고수라는 얘기지💜
누가 우리 호비만큼해❤
Ace of kpop... 💜👏
완전 세련되고 까리해.
너무 좋다!!!!!!
Hoseok looks the finest when he's dancing. This man's aura is different, when he's on stage , dancing, rapping , singing or doing literally anything he shines. No one comes near his aura. I would say he's one of the best performers out there fight me if you want. ( BTS as soloist or as a group they are the best in everything they do , you can tell all 7 of them genuinely enjoy music and their job )
choreo is so good and Jhope is so skilled, charismatic & cool
음악 춤 의상 얼굴표정까지 모든게 다 완벽해
Hoseok, we’ll stay with you for a long time, I hope you can feel how much we love you.
어떤 각도로 봐도 완벽한 제이홉!
호비에게 사랑받는 삶이라니 정말 행복하다
This song is on repeat since it was released. It’s a blockbuster! 🔥🔥🔥
song of the year !!!
performance of the year !!!!
너무 완벽한 인간일세
Facial expressions are sooo good
Cutie Hobi ~♡
I'm obsessed with this song and the dance choreography ... and J-Hope - always. 💜
He looks beautiful, such a graceful & impactful dancer.
The entire group of dancers look like bros together. But Hobi is pure charisma. BTS, I love you.💜
Super! Increíble! Fantástico! Único! Inigualable!
j-hope and his gorgeous dance technique proves that quick and flashy camera cuts aren’t necessary for him to make the choreo sing!
Perfection as always with Jhope!
Es una locura máxima lo de este hombre!!! Gracias por toda tu música!
We are blessed to have these performances from j-hope and Team j-hope -- they vibes so well
Also I love Jhope fashion style , he is an icon and a living legend ! MONALISA MASTERPIECE❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥
post military hoseok has been reminding me of predebut/danger era hobi (it might be the hat's influence in this vid lol)
This song is top tier omg>>>>
Mona Lisa в моём сердце 💜🔥 J-Hope спасибо за шедевр
I love it, this song is fire, i like my boy 💜💜💜
This is my favorite fit of yours Jay! This is sexy cool and funky!
it's so satisfying to watch a professional like j-hope dance! he's the best!
Unfiltered? More like PERFECT ❤️🔥
Jhope you are the king!! Let's go Mona Lisa>>>>
Obsessed with the song and my pretty boy
He is an icon
He's a legend
I like my boy Hobi, the ultimate ace and king of kpop
obsessed with this song !!!!!
사랑해 제이홉
Not tired of listening to this masterpiece.
Jhope is such an amazing dancer
콘서트 직캠 느낌나서 좋아요
새삼 보니까 팔 긴게 진짜 춤선 유려하게 하는데 한몫하는구나... 아름다움 ㅠ
Jhope 🥺💜💜
My sunshine is full of energy so proud of him 🤩, can't wait for all the guys coming back
The urge to loop this song is so strong
I love you so much hobi 💜 💕
Amazing video Cam ! Thank you !
I love this man and the art he creates and shares to us all
옷봐라~~~!!!! ㅎㅎ 간지 쩐다✨️😍 역쉬 최고의 츰과 노래 입니당
Jhope jhope jhope jhope 😊😊😊
so cool J-hope just wow he is dancing king
i need more of this godd
I haven't seen and heard this beautiful song and DC in my whole life
Best dancer
열춤하는 제이홉
열일하는 스튜디오춤
복 받으실 거예요
jhope is dancer king in the world 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰hobi so cut 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Best performer alive! My favorite artist - love his music, dance, style, professionalism, character. Mans got it all. j-hope is Definitely the GOAT.
dance king