The BNWO, Social Changes and Interracial in the UK

My ex had never tried BBC before and we talked about it later in our relationship as we both enjoyed interracial porn. One night we both got ******* and invited a guy we met over. He fucked my ex so hard and so good that she left me not long after for him.

I feel like my life story is no different to others and this is what spurred me on to believe in the BNWO is real and in Europe
Must have been painful for you to lose your wife to a Black Man but I bet it arouses you every time you think of it.
I'm sure is be jerking off all the time over it
I’m 27, lived in London my whole life and black men are 100% the most desired men in the city. Most of the girls I went to school with are now with black men. Not even exaggerating. It’s inevitable. London’s white English girls are being blacked on industrial levels.
Interesting. And what borough are you talking about here?
I'm in the UK - IR couples are everywhere :)

Black supremacy is already happening. Black men dominate sport and much of the music and entertainment industry. Across film, tv and advertising there has been an inexorable rise in the use of interracial couples - the black men / white woman image in particular is everywhere and the trend is only going to continue.

Black 'culture' is now the dominant culture in the US and UK and is taking over most of Europe too.

All of that is underpinned by the obvious popularity of interracial porn. BNWO is bubbling under the mainstream but I think we will soon reach a tipping point and it will become much more apparent everywhere.

In addition, all IR porn is basically morphing into BNWO porn. Soon the IR category on 'mainstream' porn sites will simply be replaced by BNWO.

If you look at BNWO content on a site like pornhub, most of it is basically just 'normal' IR porn. But the simple fact that the search term 'BNWO' throws up results means that people are looking for it. And if people are looking for it then the people who make porn will know there's a market for it and start producing more and more 'proper' BNWO videos. It's a virtuous circle - the more that people search for and watch BNWO videos, the more BNWO videos will get made... which will mean more they get watched... which means more get made... etc etc etc...
This is 100% the truth. No exaggerations.
That's interesting because my wife is from Lewisham, probably the Borough with the biggest Afro Caribbean population and while its clear there is a lot of interacial activity - I know, she has been blacked there, its far away from the levels you are implying.
Just an observation tbh. I feel like black men need to put very little effort to fuck a white girl and every time I leave the house I seem to spot multiple mixed relationships.
as much as i love european girls being filmed with a bbc inside of them, tiny asian women get me more.
they were not designed for bbc like modern white women, but desire it all the same.
the fact that they are in western countries contributes more to the belief that BMWF is being pushed into society.
All women naturally want BBC, we are de original and the best they recognize...... its natural.
What rules?
Whiteman said, " one drop of Black ******* < genetics> make you black." OK, logical, we accept it is so.

When white boi feels threated by " white genetic annailation .. Our ******* become other than black he needs to make new rules and be in control < a narcissistic sickness > For a mixed-race person to claim they are not black would be an invitation to the funny farm... stupid. My own ******* would never think themselves as anything else.
Whiteman said, " one drop of Black ******* < genetics> make you black." OK, logical, we accept it is so.

When white boi feels threated by " white genetic annailation .. Our ******* become other than black he needs to make new rules and be in control < a narcissistic sickness > For a mixed-race person to claim they are not black would be an invitation to the funny farm... stupid. My own ******* would never think themselves as anything else.
I don't know where to start with this 😔
1.) Arresting Brits that disagree with Islam, simply for criticizing the religion online or allegations.

2.) Letting black/middle eastern rapists go instead of charging them with the crime.

3.) (I believe Britain but could be germany) have a program in schools that are having mainly white youngers get to know old foreign people.

4.) British TV is also having more black male/white female relationships now. breit labor party hates the c
1.) Arresting Brits that disagree with Islam, simply for criticizing the religion online or allegations.

2.) Letting black/middle eastern rapists go instead of charging them with the crime.

3.) (I believe Britain but could be germany) have a program in schools that are having mainly white youngers get to know old foreign people.

4.) British TV is also having more black male/white female relationships now.
ounter and mcitizens for not being willing to grant labor unconditional fealty accompanied by total unaccountability fot idiocy and disasters from idiocy. US got a brief repreive w/ trump reelection as us democraps arew the same as labor, hate the country cuz they arent in perpetual power, hate the citizens for making the dem scum ldrship have to submit to their approval[votomnh] dems and labor are so sanctimonious they 1- think theit ******* dont stink, are never wrong despite the long list of ideas policies agenda that have been disasters for everyone but their elite clique. both dems and labor think they shld be nobles for life, bgeleive they are smarter than eveyone else despite theit failures proving they have no grasp of reality. their science experts arent, their economic experts artent[just scalawags like the us yellen and krugman intelectually vacuous and feckless and wrong]