Jose Bautista blasts his 54th HR...


Let them all PED up as far as I am concerned, who cares if their nuts shrivel up and they can't screw chicks . . more for us, right? Let em go, everything else in the world has changed, why not baseball?
We don't care about tradition in any other realm of our lives, what makes baseball so special? :glugglug:
I would have bought an uptick. That whole line-up seems to be swinging for the fences, at the expense of BA ad OBP. 35 or so dingers wouldn't have shocked me, but this many looks a bit suspicious.

Being a Blue Jay is a strike against him actually. Clemens was a Blue Jay. Or do you think he's innocent?

To be fair to him, though, he hasn't really played full-time much before this season. He's played the majority of the time, but not to the tune of the plate appearances he's getting this season. He's in his late twenties - a power hitter's prime is usually late twenties to early thirties. And Maris had that one break-out year before steroids and HGH were even an issue.

Still tough to believe 50-plus though.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Being a Blue Jay is a strike against him actually. Clemens was a Blue Jay. Or do you think he's innocent?

Ah, so you're saying that every Yankee is a juicer are you? :o
I saw a stat today that said of Bautista's 54 HRs, only one of them has been to the right of center field. They also said that it was the first opposite field HR of his career, although I'm not quite sure if they were being facetious or not. Either way, some of the highlights I've seen this year of his HRs have been ridiculous. I've seen him, more than once, take a fastball that is at the knees and 2 inches off the plate to the outside and pull it to dead left for a 500 ft. HR, it pretty much defies physics and the laws of hitting a baseball. No one has that kind of natural ability. This guy has got to be juiced out of his mind. Although, in a contract year I'd give PEDs a go, too.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
What the hell does being a Blue Jay have to do with automatically exonerating this guy from being a juicer? The fact is that this type of power improvement is pretty much unprecedented in the history of the game. Therefore, how can anyone blame someone from making the assumption that there is something else going on here. I have no particular axe to grind against him but this whole thing smells to high heaven.
I think what sucks is the fact that nowadays whenever somebody hits around 50 HRs or has a breakout year we assume they must be on steroids or PEDs. I'm not saying weather I think Bautista is or not, just saying that the last decade as made us all skepical. Which kinda sucks for the players that are clean.

Fuck you McGwire, Bonds, Clemens, Canseco, and everyone else that has tainted the game.
I've seen him, more than once, take a fastball that is at the knees and 2 inches off the plate to the outside and pull it to dead left for a 500 ft. HR, it pretty much defies physics and the laws of hitting a baseball. No one has that kind of natural ability.

Vladamir Guerrero says hi.

Fuck you McGwire, Bonds, Clemens, Canseco, and everyone else that has tainted the game.

I'm more angry at the people who have yet to fess up. At least one of those guys admitted it, and public said it was wrong.